I finally got some elves finished. I know I should have started with elves instead of snowmen but I was in the mood for making snowmen. These 4 are up at ebay for one week (id: creativestitches). If ebay runs another special where I can list and not pay until the items sell I'll keep them there. If not they'll be moving to etsy or artfire.
Something else about these elves. They are smaller than the ones I have made before. Reason for going smaller? They fit in mailer envelopes while the larger ones don't. Since I always offer free shipping on my dolls I decided rather than pay to ship them in a box I'd just make them smaller. One more thing, I always name them but if you prefer a name of your own choosing I'll make the 'how to care for' card out in the name you want. All dolls come with a card that has tips on caring for the dolls. It is signed and dated, too.
Larger ones can be special ordered if paid for in advance. After getting stuck with a ghost bride a customer said she loved but then didn't take, I'm going to have to require payment before I go out and buy all the supplies.