Tuesday, June 13, 2023

I still can't believe I won!

Last week I got a BIG surprise, I won an Uppercase magazine creative boost subscription! I entered a contest for it and won! I really needed something good to happen. It was a rough week. We lost my fav chicken, Elinor. She was the last of our original chickens and the only one who laid blue eggs. I'll write more when I get my first issue. Go here Uppercase to find out about the magazine.

I've been really down for months and just can't seem to design much other than my monthly freebie. Lots of free art classes started so I'm watching them but other than still working on Messy May (I'm on day28 at last) I just can't get inspired to do many. Some of it is finding the time without getting interrupted, and that doesn't happen often enough. So anyway I thought I'd share some of the links in case you'd like to have a look:


kaleidoscope taster week

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