I spent the past month cleaning out unwanted clothes and craft supplies. I spent a weekend going thru all of my clothes and shoes. I filled 4 bags for the Salvation Army. I just got so tired of having so much that I didn't wear. I still have 3 bags of books to get rid of. One of the local libraries doesn't want them right now but would take them when they next have a book sale. I don't want to store them so I'll try another library and if they aren't interested they can go to the S.A. too. With the cost of postage and fees so much I'm not sure it would pay to sell them at ebay.
It took me 2 weeks to go through everything in my sewing studio and organize it all. I found I could only work on it a few hours at a time because I'd end up just standing and staring at all the stuff I had scattered on the floor for sorting. I just couldn't decide what to do. I did make a decision about magazines. I'm going to sell most of the Art Quilts, Cloth Paper Scissors, some Aussie embroidery mags, and books on quilting. I still have a lot of cross stitch stuff that has to go too. I also found I have most of the first issues of O magazine in really good condition. Wonder if anyone would want to buy them?
I'm finding it so hard to feel like doing anything here online because I still haven't gotten my computer over to get some of it's problems fixed. I'm too afraid to list much for sale just in case I finally get it in the shop and they have to keep for awhile.
So if you contact me and I don't get back to you right away it's because I'm only getting online about every other day. I'm really trying to get things done around the house. Hope you all have a great summer!