Friday, December 5, 2008
Flu hits and no dolls being finished!
I have 3 really pretty angels that just need their faces done and wings glued on. I also have more of the Christmas elves I made last year sewn and ready to be stuffed but instead of working on them I've been laying around reading.
Lucky for me that last Sat. before I got sick I went to my local library and got some dvds and books. This week I finished Ernie by Ernest Borgnine and American Prince by Tony Curtis. Interesting reads. I found I liked Borgnine more after reading his book and Curtis less after reading his. I found it nice to know that Borgnine did like doing McHale's Navy. My Mom always said there was a rumor he only did it for the money and felt he was really too good to be doing it. It's also great to know that the old guy (91 !) is still pretty healthy and working. I always enjoyed Tony's work, even some of the really bad movies, but after reading about how much he cheated on his wives and how he still seems to feel there was nothing wrong with it, I have to admit I'm not as big of a fan as I once was. This is a guy who enjoyed women so much he really should have been like his buddy Hef and stayed single until he got much older. Last night I started Cheech & Chong by Tommy Chong. He's a very good writer and I was surprised to find that he was a muscian in bands in Canada in the late 1950's. I'm really enjoying the book but after I finish this one I've got to get back to sewing!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Thanksgiving is almost here but I haven't made anything!

Another slow down problem I had was last Wed. I cracked a filling and couldn't get to the dentist until yesterday (tue.). Made me misereable not being able to have raw fruits and veg because I couldn't chew right. Lucky no cavity just the filling had to be replaced and the dentist wants to cap it. Unfortunately my dental insurance only covers part of it. Guess I better get busy and make some dolls to sell, gonna owe the Dr. over $300!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween to everyone! Our town did trick or treat last night and we only had 14 kids even though the weather was pretty good, cold but no rain. As much as I love Halloween I just wasn't in the mood to dress up, not even put on a my fav (and easy) witch hat with it's lime green feather boa. I'm still trying to finish my last 2 halloween dolls and having to stop to hand out candy was so distracting. One is a fairy that I LOVE but I still need to finish her wings. Today I'm going to add some irresdescent paint to them. The other one was supposed to be queen of the spiders but I've had nothing but trouble with her. I had planned on doing a skirt with layers of ruffles but didn't like how that came out so I redid her skirt. It's not how I planned but will have to do. I'm finishing up her net cape and then I have to make her some bead and wire spiders. Funny how some dolls come together so easy, like the fairy. and others just drive me crazy.
Sad how slow sales are this halloween. I only sold the 2 small crochet bears I did for halloween and 2 dolls, the mummy and Deirdre the witch. Hopefully after the election people will feel like shopping again. I keep most of my dolls up at ebay all year but since I may close the store from Jan to March, I'll move them to etsy as the listings expire. My groups at ebay have some great items listed all year for halloween so search ebay using SEHA and HA31 to find them. Don't forget to select store inventory in the options on the left of the page to see everything.
Started making lists of the winter dolls I'll be making. I'm getting excited to start cutting them out. I bought some great fabrics at the quilt show I went to and can't wait to use them. I want to make some more Santa elves like I made last winter. Go back to Jan. posts (maybe Dec) to see pictures of them.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
I love Halloween!

This is Stella, a witchy cat. I couldn't decide if she was a cat turned into a witch or a witch who turned herself into a cat. I liked her so much I decided she needed a sister so that's how Calliope came about. When I was selecting the fabric for the clothing I just got the idea that this cat was going to be white instead of the traditional black. I found this great dotted fabric by Moda at a quilt show I went to a few weeks ago. I look forward to it every year and stock up on great Halloween and Christmas type fabrics. Both are up at my ebay store.

Friday, October 24, 2008
Horray for Halloween!

This is the first mummy I've made and she even has her own mummy cat! I used sheep wool for her hair, painted her face, then wrapped her in cheesecloth.

Have to admit it, I love to make pumpkin head ladies! I have another white one I'm finishing up.

This is the seocnd vampire queen I've made. She's Margaux #2 in the series. She kinda matches one I made last year except that one was a tree topper. This one is meant to hang on the wall or door.

Monday, August 11, 2008
Just a quick post!

I actually made this doll last fall and had her on ebay but she didn't sell. I packed her away in a halloween bag (of course!) and now she's listed again. I hope by getting her on early she'll sell this year. I really like making these king of dolls and want to make a few this season.
Been really busy making stuff. I tatted some trim to use on fall dolls and crocheted some trim using eyelash yarn to trim paper gift bags. I thought I'd have a go at making them for something different. I also have 4 more paper mache pumpkins I'm working on. They're a lot of fun to make!
Still working on a fall tree lady. The wood base is giving me way too much trouble. I tried crackle but it was too humid and it wouldn't work, then I tried mod podging skeleton leaves but the mod podge was old and wouldn't dry. So now I scrubbed off all the old stuff and am going to try crackle again with a new bottle of crackle medium. This picture shows the leaves before I put a coat of mod podge on. All it did was bubble and smell awful.

Thursday, July 24, 2008
Finally found some energy!

Here's a picture of the rabbit I made back in the spring but with her new wings and wand. Isn't she so pretty?

None of them are up on ebay yet. Just thought I'd wait until next month. I also have 2 crocheted mermaids and will soon be done with a cat angel and a tree lady! The cat was supposed to be done for my HA31 ebay group it was based on a poem about a cat that barely hangs on to her witch's broom that a fellow member wrote. My version is the cat who lost hold and is now an angel. I really like her and might have to live with her a while before I put her up for sale. Because I hurt my back I didn't get it finished in time. Same with the tree. She was supposed to be done for SEHA at ebay last week but I'm just finishing the fabric for the bark. I still want to couch more fibers to it. This tree will have a "people"face, arm branches that end in fingers, leaves for her hair, and other embellishments. I saw a picture of one done in Soft Dolls and Animals magazine a few years ago and knew I wanted to do my version. When I get them done, I'll post pictures!
Monday, July 7, 2008
Actually Working on Things!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
I won a prize at Bonehead Studios!
I thought I might try this but now that ebay isn't going to allow any outside links, I wouldn't be able to share the contest with my friends in the ebay groups I belong to. Happy I didn't start a group because the leaders are in charge of removing outside links or their group could be suspended.
Got my domain renewal from yahoo. It's gone up again, this time to $34.95. Why are they treating their old customers so bad since new domains are really cheap? Must be taking lessons from ebay!
I have a small crocheted thread bear done. I wanted him to hold something so I'm working on a little paper mache pumpkin. Just have to paint and decorate it! Hope to list it on ebay next week. He's a halloween bear with a ruff collar and cone hat.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
I'm finally back and lot's of stuff happening!

As you can see I was really into dots in the spring. In fact I've been using dots and stripes a lot in the past year.
I'm finishing up 2 small crocheted bears. One is done for Halloween and the other is a butterfly bear. I'll post pics when I put them up at ebay. I'm also still working on the pattern for the prim folk art topsy-turvy doll. Got side lined with the cold but hope to get the faces painted this week.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Rotten Birthday- have a cold
Won't be posting again until I actually get some things done.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Too much time dreaming, not enough working
A post or 2 ago had me raving about having verizon dsl. Well it's still great to be able to get things done so fast but I'm having so many software conflicts with it. My husband didn't know that you 1. have to shut down all virus software when installing and 2. never install virus software when you already have one running on your computer. Now we have a mess. Verizon's off shore techies have deleted so many files that when I tried to go back with a system restore to before he installed everything, all I get are error messages. Looks like my next option is to contact Dell since it's still under warranty. Well, maybe now the husband will finally learn (did I actually start to finish this? Come ladies do they ever learn?)
Still working on the newest pattern but once again have gotten sidelined because I got an idea for one I'd rather make. If I'd ever finish all the patterns I have in various stages I'd have more than 50 for sale. Then there's wanting to work on some dragons I made last year. I was invited to join a group at ebay for dragon makers so now I've got dragons on the brain, too. Then there's the cd full of halloween clipart I bought from Dover. I want to make tags, jewelry and print some on fabric. Does anyone else feel that when you have too many ideas and projects going you just want to close the door to the sewing studio (or where ever you have your stuff) and veg out watching tv or read? I used to tat when I felt so over whelmed but now I even let that sit.
Did make one big decision. I have been working off and on for over 15 years on 2 books of tatting patterns. I finally realized that it's a pain trying to find a publisher (haven't looked and don't feel like it!) and printing it myself would be too expensive with all the color photos. I had been going to buy one of those binder thingys at Staples so I could make them with a spiral at the side edge but have decided to split them up and print them just like my doll patterns. There will be 3 -4 per pattern.
Another big decision is that I'm going to advertise in 3 issues of Soft Dolls & Animals Magazine. They have a great section in the back that's only $30 a month. Look for it in the last 3 of the year!
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Etsy Store up & Running
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Dsl dreams can come true!
Did get a store open at etsy under 1creativestitches but I'm not sure I'm going to stick with that name. I'm not happy with the one in front so I may have them close that account and reopen as creative::stitches or creativestitches::, there are already 3 other creativestitches but I hate to give up the name everyone knows me by at ebay. I also thought about going different with magicstitchescreations or creativemagicstitches but they are both kinda long. I have the worst time trying to make up my mind about anything so the store will sit empty until I do. I noticed that some people have mulitple stores to sell different things and I thought about that, too. I could sell patterns and supplies at one store and finished items at the other. That seems what a lot of people do. I did make a great banner for the store and used my little sewing girl as my avatar. You can go to and choose user name from the search drop down menu to find me if you want to see what done on the store so far. Oh well, I'm off to catch up on more sites and blogs! This week I hope to post pics of the 2 rabbits I finished.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Info about Halloween Artists, Katie, & other stuff
Besides Halloween Artists (HA31) I also belong to another fun halloween group at ebay called Society of Eclectic Halloween Artists (SEHA). They are a busy group, always having contests and challenges for it's members. Type in HA31 and SEHA to find some great Halloween art at ebay. The link for Halloween Artists web site in my links section takes you to our group site where you can see members work and read about halloween. SEHA hasn't started one yet. HA31 also has an off-site mesage board so we can talk about stuff ebay wouldn't want us to and a blog.
Now that I'm ready to open a store at I'll be looking to join some groups there, too. Def need some networking over there! So much new to learn.
Big news for me, I'm getting high speed DSL this week! I've been on sloooow dial-up since my first computer and with how long blogs and other sites can take to load, was going crazy waiting and waiting. Keep your fingers crossed that it all works out!
I am working on the new pattern for a topsy-turvy doll. Sorry but no pics to post yet. I'm also finishing up 2 rabbits that were supposed to be done for Easter but I got sidelined and am just finshing them now. March was just too early for me to think rabbits. Doesn't it seem like it should be Easter this weekend?
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
About Comments & Email
If you have ever tried to comment or even email me I have to say I'm sorry. Maybe when I get caught up on more things I'll change the settings.
Lovelorn Lena and her Frog Prince!

Friday, March 21, 2008
Back so soon?
Ok, I admit most of what I put up has already been sold but at least you can get an idea of what all I can make. There are snow ladies, tree top angles, jewelry, and Valentine dolls for sale. Oh, and I have 4 mini thread crochet bears on bears 1 and 2 for sale.
I removed all the fake fur bears from the site because I'm seriously thinking about opening a store at etsy. I'd like to get rid of them at really low prices but with ebays fee increase that's not the place to sell them, I'm hoping etsy will be.
Someone at one of the Halloween groups I belong to at ebay wrote that google is thinking about getting into the auction business. We can only hope! Yahoo never did enough to promote their auctions when they had it. After all the press the ebay revolt got, I bet Yahoo's wishing they hadn't shut it down last year. Ebay is killing off all the small stores and sellers and the post office with their yearly increases isn't helping either. We so need someone to go up against ebay that has the money to advertise on TV so people will know about it and use it. Sites like epier, ecrater, and others just don't have the money for TV ads.
I'm off to play with my google web site. Right now it has 1 page, so much work to do! I am worried that google might shut the sites down and then all the work would be wasted. I will be going slow building the gallery I'm putting there.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Dreaming of catching up!

Hope to have her up for sale by next week when the cover pictures come in. Look for her at my eBay store and at the web store. Also hope to have her at and . Both of these fantastic web sites sell some of my patterns!
Right now in my eBay store you can find LeAnna and her frog prince. She was originally the second doll for this pattern. Rather than let her stay in pieces, I finished her. She has the same face and body but the hair and clothing are different. Here's a pic of her.

Friday, February 22, 2008
Life Intrudes With Loss

A friend sent this poem:
Sunlight streams through window pane unto a spot on the floor....
Author Unknown
Friday, February 8, 2008
Newest Valentine Dolls!

WoW! EBay has certainly upset everyone by changing the feedback and fees we pay. Never could understand why they treat their sellers so badly when they depend on us for money. Last year it was store owners and this year it's everyone. We can only hope another auction site will finally become bigger and better than ebay. Here's a link to story over at cnn about auction sites and how mad sellers are.
I thought about opening an Etsy store but no one seems to sell much over there. Besides then I'd need some place for the tatting supplies too. Like most of us, I'll be at eBay until they finally drive me away with too high of fees.
Friday, February 1, 2008
Thinking of Valentine's day

Sunday, January 20, 2008
Dreams of Ice & Wind

Thursday, January 3, 2008
Happy New Year!