Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A 2nd post today! Pics of workroom

DL all the pics I had taken of the newest dolls I finished and found I had taken some of my workroom so I thought I'd post them. The pic above is one of my baskets I carry supplies in so I can sew while watching TV or while outside. The doll is the green witch I wrote about in my last post. I LOVE her purple hair! She's going to be a hard one for me to sell because I already love her so much. I get very attached to many of my dolls and almost don't mind if they don't sell right away so I can enjoy them longer.

This pic above is of my work table. It's a great old wood table with an enamel top. A neighbor who passed away a few years ago gave it to me. I have it covered with a vintage tablecloth that belonged to my Mom. The doll on the dowel to the right of the photo is for a large mummy! Her face is hand embroidered and then tea stained. I have everything I need to make her but time ;)

These 2 dolls are in another basket waiting to be finished. This shows how crazy I work. I will cut a lot out, then sew, next I'll stuff them all, and finally they go in baskets to be gathered up when I'm ready to finish them. I have 6 baskets plus a few items just in a pile on the table to finish. I always start too late to make all the things I want to for Halloween but I just can't get myself sewing fall items in the summer heat.

Don't forget to watch ebay for my listings!