Sunday, December 30, 2007

Snowgirls and Elves

Ok, now that I got all the bad luck and karma wrote about, here are some pics of my latest dolls at ebay. I somehow managed to get more dolls done! They were finished before Christmas but I didn't have time to get them up. My first snowgirl of the season is Miss Snowy Flurrette. For a full view of her go to the ebay link.

Here's Sparkle another snowgirl:

This is Trudy. I also have 2 boys at ebay, Nibs and Pip.

I thought I'd get hooked on making the snowgirls but it's the elves I'm really enjoying. I have 4 more I'm working on. Look for Jack & Jackie Frost, a mad hatter elf, and a snow queen elf. These guys are some much fun to make I'm not working on any new patterns (bad girl!). I was working on the gift bag doll but lost steam on it so I'll probably go back to the wall fairy I was working on last summer.

Hope you all have a very happy New Year!!!!!!

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