Life's been busy and I haven't had time to post or even to make time for Facebook. Honestly, I've gotten really tired of FB. Too many ads and not enough info I want in my feed. I lost interest in Pinterest for the same reason. I was finding I was spending way too much time scrolling through junk so now I seldom go to either.
Here's another reason I'm too busy for the computer. Dillon has decided he finally likes Micah and now they play almost all day. The cat is still not happy with him. Maybe when he gets older and stops trying to play rough with him like he does with Dillon, Jingles will change his mind. Micah takes a lot of my time since to avoid pee accidents he has to be watched all the time.
Here's a photo of the bunnies that were born back in Oct. when Jack was away. Now we have 4 more buns and these need to go. I want him to sell them on Craig's List. They'll grey up as they get older like the mom and dad. Petal in off to the left of the babies. Funny how the start off black.
Back in June I wrote about making fig walnut beer bread. Jack bought a growler of
Yuengling Hershey’s Chocolate Porter. Since there was quite a bit of it I made a chocolate cake and this chocolate chip bread using the same recipe as I used for the fig bread. I switched out the honey for sugar, the figs for Godiva bittersweet chips for the figs, and ground the walnuts. Again Jack liked it so much he wouldn't let me give any away. Oh, the blue bowl has some of the cake with icing in it.
These are pics of 2 of the 5 versions of this poem I made for my brother and his family. I was going thru some magazines and came across this. I found the designer's blog but she had no info on where she found the poem. Now I can't find the magazine so I can tell you her name. I thought it was perfect for my brother and sister-in-law since they are still morning the loss of their son, Bill. If I come across the magazine (I have a lot) I'll updated this post.