Thursday, May 16, 2019

The May Stitch-a-long - finally here

I know I'm SOOOOOOO late with the May stitch-a-long. Between getting the garden going and talking care of the newest members of the family I haven't had time or energy for crafting. The new members are 9 chicks! They are getting so big so we're building a coop next to the ducks (10 of those).

This is my birthday month so I wanted to do a may pole. It's pretty simple since I didn't embroider the children. I know a PDF is easier for you but I decided to put the directions up here. I'll offer all the patterns as a large PDF at my Etsy store when the year is done.

For this pattern I decided to do simple embroidery but you can do whatever you like. Brazilian, silk ribbon, and bullion stitch embroideries would also work. I also decided not to embroider or color in the children but go ahead if you want to!



I have edited the copyright free drawing of the May pole. It is from a Dover Publication book. I recommend their books for copyright free drawings and pictures. I’ve found some pictures on the net that say they are copyright free but after doing some research find they aren’t. Dover makes them safe to use at a good price.

So this means that although the original drawing is copyright free, what I’ve done with it is not. The embroidery design is my own. I have not knowingly copied anyone else's work.


© Billie Jo Heisler 2019
All rights reserved
No part of this pattern may be reproduced or
sold without written permission of the author. 
You have permission to print it for your own use.