Friday, February 21, 2014

Finishing up the Winter Fairy Pattern

Here's what my sewing room looks like when I'm working on too many projects at once :) This photo was taken at Christmas but I never posted it. As you can see there's one of the winter fairies, some snowladies, tatting shuttles I was covering, and a dragon in parts, along with tons of supplies. I'm always thinking I should sell some of my excess crafting supplies but every time I set things aside, I find a use for it. My shelves that hold books, fabric, and other craft items are full to the point of where I lose track of what I have. Guess I need to put some of the organizing tips I write for Creative Times online magazine to use.

An update on the winter fairy pattern: I ordered cover photos and I'm waiting to get them. Hopefully they came out ok. I still have to finish editing the patterns now that the directions are done. Planning on having everything done by the end of the month, fingers crossed ;)