Wednesday, December 30, 2009
The Happiest of New Years!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Happy Holidays!

Here are 2 more made from the same pair of kid's jeans. I lined the purse with star print. I love the water bottle tote. I found this great cat print for the top of it.
On Monday I literally stayed up all night going thru all the inventory lists I had for Tapas and the sold receipts Janet sends when she pays me. I haven't done this since 2003 so had quite a few to go thru even though she now only pays me about 2 times a year. I was amazed when I realized just how much stuff I have at that shop and how old some of it is (from the 90's!). If I can get my panic attacks under some sort of control I hope to get there sometime in the next few months and pick up a bunch of the older stuff that's not selling and is probably looking more than a little worn.
This pic is of the fall tatting patterns I'm finishing up on top of a pile of holiday fabric. I've gotten side tracked by tatting rings for the new etsy store I want to open just for tatted and beaded jewelry. I'd like to have about 10 things to put in it when I open it next month. Tonight I'll be making earrings.
*Merry Christmas * Happy Hanuka *
*Happy Kwanzaa * Happy New Year*
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Pics of totes and more!

This bear waas a special order for a Tapas customer. She provided a shirt and I cut it up to make this bear. I used the cuff for the collar. My husband had a hard time letting this one go. He's a Steeler fan and loved the face on this one. I have more pics of the totes I made that I'll post next time.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Sold the Winter Witch!
I finished the bears I made for Tapas but haven't mailed them. I need a bigger box! I would like to try for a trip to Sewickley but I haven't been that far from home in over 4 years. In case you readers don't know I have agoraphobia. I can travel close to home but anything further than 15 minutes away and I start to have panic attacks. I've had this trouble since I was a small child.
We had a new furnace installed the past 2 days so while all that was going on I sewed and tidied up my sewing room (it needed it!). I'm not a morning person and getting up at 7 am was very hard. I think I slept 3 hours Sunday/Monday and 4 Monday/Tuesday morning. I'm not a napper either. I was such a zombie but I did get a lot done. I had a stack of purses to make so I've been sewing them. Need to get some pics taken. They'll go to Tapas when they're done. It feels so good to go into the sewing room now that it's tidy. I'm really in the mood for sewing and not sitting here at the computer so I'm off to sew ;)
Friday, December 4, 2009
Bear Pics!

Thursday, December 3, 2009
Can you believe it, I'm back again!

I know, what a shock! I'm back again to add another pic. This one is of the skinny snowman I made. He's another put together last Dec. but never finished. My husband dislikes him because he's so thin but I think he's funny. One thing I did learn while adding the finishing touches, he would have made a great skeleton! I've got to remember that for next Halloween.
Finished the Tapas bears but when I went to package them I found I had gotten rid of the box I needed to mail them in. Took ages but found one I can use.
Got 9 bears out of the old jacket I've been writing about. They're all machine sewn, now for all the hand work. I think 4 will go in prim totes, 2 in each. Then I'll put 2 in metal sleds and the other 3 in stockings (I have to make). Was going to take pics but need to figure out how to use the flash on my camera. I always take pics outside so I never use it and didn't bother to learn how to turn it on.
Today's been another bad day. I'm out of black ink for my printer. I thought for sure there was one more in the box I store all the extras in but no. I did manage to print a pattern to go out today but I don't think I'd even be able to get a label printed. I'm trying to buy ink from the person I get it at at ebay but she's not answering my email so I tried a message thru ebay today. If I don't hear from her tomorrow I'll buy it elsewhere.
With all this trouble I thought I'd fire up the old win98 computer and use it's old epson printer for a few things I need printed but that didn't work out either. The printer turns on ok but when I send files to be printed it just sits there. Guess I'll have to uninstall the software and reinstall it tomorrow. I removed a usb hub I didn't need anymore so I guess it's confused as to where the printer is.
It's been like this for a month now. My small spaniel ended up in hospital after having a bowel obstruction. I've had a cold that one minute seems like it's going away and then it slams me so I can't do anything but sneeze, cough, and blow my nose. I broke one pair of my glasses and lost another in a huge pile of leaves. I'm scared to color my hair for fear it will all break off. Just hope it all ends soon as I'm having a new furnace installed on Monday. I know, stupid to do it in the the cold weather but try to tell that to my husband. Maybe that the thing this time. The furnace will be fine but after 2 days and no real heat I'll be sicker. Guess I'll be sitting in front of both electric heater blasting!
Ill try to get some pics of all these bears up once I figure out the flash!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Surprise! I'm back again!

I've been perusing some of my favorite blogs and realized I should be writing instead of reading! The pic above is of the Christmas Witch I made. It's over at the ebay store and remember all my dolls have free shipping all the time, not just for the holidays. The great thing about this doll is that the hat is removeable and the broom and basket at not sewn to the hands. If you like her but don't want a witch you can remove them. In fact if you say you read it here in I'll make her a different hat and instead of the broom I'll add another basket! Now you can have a Christmas Granny instead of a witch. If you're still looking for Halloween dollies, mine are still up at ebay. I find I tend to sell more of them at Christmas than at Halloween!
I thought I finished the bears for Tapas last night but as I was showing them to my husband I noticed I had forgot to stitch two sections in one bear's legs. At least I noticed it before packing them for the PO. Oh well, I'll do that tonight while I stuff some of the small teddy's I sewed up this afternoon. I still have a few to cut out. I found I got 8 out of the jacket I cut them from. There's a bit left so I may do a rabbit or pig out of it. Also planning on finally getting a snow fairy or 2 cut out if I can decided on the fabric.
WooHoo, I'm finaly in the mood to sew again! Now if my cold would just go away so I'd have more energy.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Things Selling at eBay

This is one of the elf dolls I actually made but didn't quite finish last year. She just sold at ebay this past week along with one of the boy elves. I still have one more boy, a skinny snowman, a Christmas witch, and some snowladies over at ebay. At etsy I have a tree top angel and some snowmen ornies. Here's a pic of the boy elf at ebay.

I'm busy sewing bears for a local shop called Tapas. I have 2 more to finish and then I'm starting on 4 small bears I'm making from an old cotton fleece jacket. I plan on tea staining them and using old buttons for the eyes and joints. I want them to look real primmie.
Oh, and I'm finishing up the fall series of tatting patterns. The tatting is done, I just have to decide how I want to display them. Like putting them on cards or on totes. Then I have to write the directions and take pictures. Guess the fall and winter series won't be out anytime soon ;) I'm working on a few tatted projects I needed for the winter series and I'm beginning to think I should just skip to the spring series. I've been doing a lot of research on tatting patterns, sites, and blogs online. I was surprised to see a person selling just one downloadable pattern for earrings for $2.95. I was worried my patterns were too high but I guess I'm still ok.
I'll post more pics next time!