Saturday, August 19, 2023

Two New Patterns Up at Etsy Store and on SALE!!!!!


This is Emily Jane, a tiny 8" shabby chic rabbit. The pattern also includes the tine cone basket she holds and the felt carrots that go in it. Perfect for sitting in a basket, perched on a shelf, or even sitting among flowers on a wreath.

Fall is coming and that means thinking about "Halloween"! Hazel and Maddy are cute little witch cats sitting (sewn) in felt pumpkins. Use them for pincushions or holiday decor. Hazel, the gray cat, is sewn into a white felt pumpkin that is then sewn to a dotted fabric pumpkin. That pumpkin is then attached to a metal candle stand. The stand is actually upside down so the pumpkin could be sewn to the legs. Any type of holder would work but one for a pillar candle looks best. If you don't want to use a candle stand then look at Maddy, the black cat. She is sewn into an orange felt pumpkin that is attached to the lid of a plastic jar. I filled it with tinsel, tiny pumpkin, and table scatter.

Like the idea of having a kitty pincushion  but not decked out for Halloween? Just change the Halloween items for your choice of fabrics and decoration. Leave off the hat and attach pretty bows to the heads.

They are both at my Etsy store and will be 20% off thru October 31!

Here's the link to the store: 1creativestitches

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