Still have a head cold but I guess it's part seasonal allergies, too. It's making me SOOOOOO tired and other than a minimal amount of housework not much is getting done. I've tried a few different medicine and one for coughs and mucus seems to help the most. The DH is getting tired of hearing me cough and the snoring that's coming from not being able to breath well is keeping him up. I just remind him of when he snores and I have to move to the livingroom to get some sleep. I'm just glad I did get both my covid shots so I don't have to worry about going for one.
The pic above is of a begonia I got at Easter. Isn't it really pretty? Behind it are 2 kalanchoes and a poinsettia. I used to grow a lot of african violets but don't seem to be able to keep them alive anymore. I think the house is too dry in the winter for them.
I made 2 pincushions in the past month. I'm finding they come in handy when working on some jewelry patterns I've been designing. It's nice to be able to pin everything down so nothing falls off the table or gets mixed in with other projects. I wish I could keep my crafting table clear except for the project I'm currently working on, but since I tend to work on a lot of things that's not possible. I LOVE violets and during their blooming season try to keep small bottles and shot glasses filled with them. The embroidery was something I just free hand drew on the fabric. I followed a crazy quilt block pattern for the top from
Pintangle.There are a lot of free block patterns and that's where the embroidery TAST group I do is found.
The second pincushion has a small piece of embroidery I made from directions at
elefantz . Look in the tutorials section. BTW, she has a lot of free embroidery patterns and an etsy store.
Just a small selection of the eggs we get every day. We used to take the extras to a local foodbank but with covid we stopped going over there to drop them off. They get a lot of eggs donated now from stores. Friends and family can only use so many. We definitely have too many chickens and ducks. The DH just bought 4 more ducklings. He's crazy for birds. They just give me more stress and I have egg intolerance so I seldom eat them unless I'm baking with eggs. We lost one of the male ducks to a hawk. His name was Blade and he was a runner duck (hence the name Blade). Below is one of the comets, not sure which one. I was taking pics of the bleeding heart when she came over to see what was going on. They are very inquisitive.

I am trying to finish updating my old seahorse rider pattern. I made a LOT of changes to the pattern. Now there's only one version and the horse and doll are for advanced cloth doll makers. The original pattern was for sewers with some experience. I really like the new version and I know it's taken me more than 4 years to get her done. I had so much I wanted to do to the seahorse I finally realized if I made it easier I would get it finished. I do that a lot, design things that will be difficult to make, start them, and then set it aside when I realize it may be too hard for the average sewer to make.I keep all my UFOs on the shelf with the crate that has the hearts stenciled on it. The crate and 2 shoe boxes have various doll projects as does the crate at the bottom of the pic with the stenciled pineapple and the box to the left of it.
In case you missed the post, this is a pic I shared last winter when I had a clean and tidy of my craft closet. The shelf is larger than the door shows, it's over 4 feet and there are 2 rows of shelves above built in the 10 foot closet. All that really means is I have way too much craft supplies I don't and probably won't use. The plan is that when I feel better to start selling on ebay again. I have a lot of books and magazines on doll making, quilting, and lace making that I'm ready to let go of. Some of the supplies I'll sell and others I'm donating to the local humane society stores resale shop. I'll post here when I finally get moving on this.Hope you are all feeling well. PLEASE get a covid shot and wear a mask so we can get back to some normalcy.