Happy Halloween to everyone! Our town did trick or treat last night and we only had 14 kids even though the weather was pretty good, cold but no rain. As much as I love Halloween I just wasn't in the mood to dress up, not even put on a my fav (and easy) witch hat with it's lime green feather boa. I'm still trying to finish my last 2 halloween dolls and having to stop to hand out candy was so distracting. One is a fairy that I LOVE but I still need to finish her wings. Today I'm going to add some irresdescent paint to them. The other one was supposed to be queen of the spiders but I've had nothing but trouble with her. I had planned on doing a skirt with layers of ruffles but didn't like how that came out so I redid her skirt. It's not how I planned but will have to do. I'm finishing up her net cape and then I have to make her some bead and wire spiders. Funny how some dolls come together so easy, like the fairy. and others just drive me crazy.
Sad how slow sales are this halloween. I only sold the 2 small crochet bears I did for halloween and 2 dolls, the mummy and Deirdre the witch. Hopefully after the election people will feel like shopping again. I keep most of my dolls up at ebay all year but since I may close the store from Jan to March, I'll move them to etsy as the listings expire. My groups at ebay have some great items listed all year for halloween so search ebay using SEHA and HA31 to find them. Don't forget to select store inventory in the options on the left of the page to see everything.
Started making lists of the winter dolls I'll be making. I'm getting excited to start cutting them out. I bought some great fabrics at the quilt show I went to and can't wait to use them. I want to make some more Santa elves like I made last winter. Go back to Jan. posts (maybe Dec) to see pictures of them.