Well here it is, at last, my first tatting pattern! I have been working on these patterns since 1995 when I was a member of my local quilt guild, Beaver Valley Piecemakers. I have dedicated this series of pattern packs to the members. Right now I have plans for at least 1 more old fashioned quilts and 4 for each of the seasons. I'm working on Fall and hope to have it ready sometime next month.
I call this pattern pack "Tatting Mini Old Fashioned Quilts #1". The patterns are printed like the rest of my patterns. There is a cover with a photograph, and info on the 5 patterns and basic
instructions that are in the pack. The rest of the pattern is printed book-style with 1 booklet of basic directions and hints. Each pattern is printed
separately so you can just have the pages you need. I also have some directions on what I did with each tatted piece. There are color photos and diagrams for each of the tatted quilts. Everything comes in a zip top plastic bag.
Look for it at my Patternmart, etsy, and ebay stores in the next few days. I don't have it at my web site and won't until I get it moved. Remember geocities is closing so I'll be moving my web site. As long as you have it bookmarked as
www.heislerscreativestitchery.com you'll find my site where ever I move it.